Keep up-to-date on the latest vision-related news and eye care events in our practice.
UV exposure can lead to serious eye conditions, including cataracts and macular degeneration. Choosing the right sunglasses is essential for protecting your vision.
Contact lenses are a great option for people who don't want to wear glasses when on the road, but do you know how to take care of them on the go? Before your next trip, book a contact lens assessment at For Beautiful Eyes in Newcastle West
Seeing floaters is common and usually nothing to worry about. Yet there are times when floaters are a sign of a serious eye condition. Here’s what you need to know about eye floaters, and how For Beautiful Eyes can help!
Every child should have a comprehensive eye test before the start of the new school year. Just as you wouldn’t consider sending them to school without a backpack or a lunch box, make sure their eyes and vision are ready for the challenges ahead.